Contact the Trust

You are encouraged to contact the Trust Office by calling toll-free 1 (866) 694-6563 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm EST if you have any questions regarding the Trust, your benefits, or need individual assistance.

The Trust Administration Office is staffed with trained individuals whose sole responsibility is to help Trust participants receive the benefits to which they are entitled. The staff routinely answers questions, provides information, helps to enroll new participants, interacts with our health plan claims administrators and reports to the Committee on the overall operation of the Trust.

Out Office

Postal address

Retirees of Veyance Technologies, Inc. Health Care Trust – Administration Office

60 Boulevard of the Allies, 5th Floor

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Phone number
(866) 694-6563

Send a message

Please do not disclose any sensitive information in your message.