Cost Sharing

Cost sharing enables the Trust to provide the best possible health care benefits in a manner that ensures that the Trust remains operational for the longest time possible.

Cost sharing provisions are determined by the Committee and communicated to participants in the annual open enrollment materials. These materials can be found in the Communications tab.

As a result, Trust participants are responsible for paying certain costs for health care coverage, including monthly premium contributions and certain health care expenses in accordance with provisions in the Health Care Plan.

Monthly Premium Contributions

Trust participants must make monthly premium contributions at rates that are determined annually by the Committee. The rates are based on three criteria: (a) date of retirement; (b) Medicare status; and (c) family status. For a chart indicating the rates for 2020, click here.

The Trust accepts checks, money orders, or ACH deductions for monthly premium payments. The form to authorize this payment can be found under Participant Resources.

Please contact the Trust Administration Office if you have any questions regarding payment of your monthly premium contribution.