
Eligibility to receive benefits under the Plan was initially established in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Ongoing eligibility for Plan coverage is determined by the Committee.

Participant Eligibility

You are eligible to be a Participant of the Plan if you meet all of the following requirements:

  • You were hired by or otherwise became an employee of Veyance Technologies, Inc. or the Engineered Products Division of Goodyear on or before September 30, 2009;
  • You were an employee of the Company represented by the Union at the time of your retirement;
  • You retired on or after August 1, 2007; and
    • You are eligible for and receive a monthly pension under the Veyance Technologies, Inc. Defined Benefit Plan (the “Pension Plan”) other than a deferred vested pension or any other benefit payable under Articles XI, XII or XIII of the Pension Plan; or
    • You are eligible for a deferred vested pension under the Pension Plan and your employment with the Company terminated during or subsequent to the month in which you attained age 60.

The terms “you” and “your” as used above refer to eligible Participants.

Dependent Eligibility

As a Plan Participant, you may cover your eligible Dependents. An eligible Dependent is any one of the following:

  • The current legal spouse of a Plan Participant;
  • A never-married child under age 19 who is:
    • A natural child of the Participant;
    • A legally adopted child of the Participant (including a child placed with the Participant for adoption and for whom the Participant assumes and retains a legal obligation for total or partial support in anticipation of adoption of the child); or
    • A stepchild, foster child or other child who lives with the Participant and is dependent on the Participant for support and maintenance.
  • A never-married child of a Participant, from ages 19 to 26, who is dependent upon the Participant for support as determined by the Committee:
    • Attends a high school, an accredited college or similar institution of higher education in a course of study leading to a high school diploma, an associate’s degree, a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree on a full-time basis; or
    • Attends an accredited post-secondary technical, trade or similar institution on a full-time basis.
  • A never-married child of a Participant who is age 19 or older and who is incapable of self-support as a result of physical or mental disability. To continue a child’s eligibility under this provision, proof of incapacity must be submitted to the Plan Administration Office at least 30 days prior to the child’s attainment of age 19. Proof of continuing incapacity may also be required from time to time.
  • The donor of an organ for transplant, when the recipient is covered for hospital, surgical and medical benefits under this Plan, shall also be covered for such benefits as though the donor is a Dependent child of the recipient. This coverage only covers charges in connection with the procedure in which such organ is removed from the donor.
  • An “alternate recipient” under a qualified medical child support order (a “QMCSO”).

The term Dependent shall not include anyone who is covered as an eligible Participant. Also, if both parents are covered as Participants under this Plan, their child will be covered only as a Dependent of one parent.

A Dependent child, who attains age 19 and ceases to be a full-time student, may again be deemed an eligible full-time student Dependent if the child otherwise meets the requirements of a full-time student Dependent and requalifies as a full-time student within 24 months following the date the child ceased to be a full-time student.

A full-time student Dependent child who is enrolled in a Postsecondary Educational Institution will continue to be eligible under the Plan during a medically necessary leave of absence due to a serious illness or injury so long as he or she otherwise meets the definition of a full-time student Dependent. Such eligibility will continue for up to one year after the first day the medically necessary leave of absence begins or until the child attains age 26, whichever is earlier. You must provide the Plan Administration Office with written certification by the Dependent child’s treating physician that the child is suffering from a serious illness or injury and that the leave of absence is medically necessary.

Eligibility will also be extended until attainment of age 26 for a child who is covered as a full-time student following attainment of age 19 and, while covered as a full-time student, becomes incapable of self-support as a result of a physical or mental disability.

Your spouse will cease to be an eligible Dependent and will lose coverage under the Plan in the event that your marriage ends.

If your Dependent child ever marries, such child will cease to be an eligible Dependent forever, even though the marriage may later end.

If a Participant acquires a child other than by birth, legal adoption or placement for adoption, such child shall not be eligible under the Plan until three months after he or she is acquired.

Surviving Dependent Coverage

In the event of your death, your surviving spouse will remain eligible for coverage until he or she (i) remarries, or (ii) dies, provided the following requirements are met:

  • At the time of your death, (i) you were eligible for and enrolled in the Plan as a Participant, and (ii) your spouse was eligible for and enrolled in the Plan as a Dependent; or
  • You died prior to retirement and would have satisfied the Participant eligibility requirements if you had retired before the date of your death; and
    • You were an employee of the Company represented by the Union at the time of your death; and
    • You were on: (i) the active payroll of the Company, (ii) sick leave (and accumulating seniority), (iii) layoff with medical benefits provided continuously, (iv) an authorized leave of absence for a period not exceeding 90 days, or (v) an authorized leave of absence for service with a local union in an official or representative capacity.

For your surviving spouse to continue to be eligible and covered after your death, you must have been legally married to that spouse at the time of your retirement, or have been legally married to that spouse for at least 12 consecutive months preceding your death.

Surviving Dependent children enrolled in the Plan at the time of your death shall continue to be covered after your death so long as your surviving spouse does not remarry. In the event that your surviving spouse subsequently dies, a surviving Dependent child will continue to be eligible so long as he or she meets all of the qualifications of a Dependent, except for dependence on the Participant for support and maintenance.

In the event there is no surviving spouse, coverage for a surviving Dependent child will continue so long as the child meets all of the qualifications of a Dependent, except for dependence on the Participant for support and maintenance.

An eligible surviving spouse and/or child shall be entitled to benefits under this Plan under the same conditions that such surviving spouse or child was entitled to benefits as a Dependent immediately prior to the death of the Participant.

Please refer to the Plan Document & Summary Plan Description for more detailed information regarding eligibility.